SPACE Stands with Black Lives Matter!

June 2020
Near & Arnold’s School of Performing Arts & Cultural Education (SPACE) founded in 1995
Ukiah, California

Laurel Near & Paulette Arnold, Co-Founders & Co-Directors

We stand with all Black and Brown-identifying persons and with the collective voice to say
Black Lives Matter!

SPACE recognizes the importance and value of all persons, no matter their color, race or creed. We are called to stand with our communities-of-color in acknowledging the inequities experienced by many, and work to bring justice, equity and equality to all. We stand united in addressing the hundreds of years of systemic racism and oppression perpetrated against Black and Brown-identifying persons, Native Americans, immigrants, and all who are targeted by hatred. We understand that it will require substantial structural changes to dismantle white supremacy.

We intend to use SPACE’s platform and our years of experience working in community to keep the conversation going. We refuse to sink into disappointment and hopelessness; in contrast, we are inspired by the protests in the streets, a movement made up of persons from all walks of life, ages, and backgrounds.

We honor and celebrate the contributions of Black culture, including popular hip-hop dance, music, and art, and will continue to present and give voice to Black Artists. Black Lives Matter!

SPACE Board of Directors: Mary Ann Villwock, Jeanine Nadel, Lydia Lopez, Judy Waterman, Keith Sugawara, Michelle Sides, Carol Park, Alison de Grassi, Jackeline Orozco, Audrey Gramke, Zoey Fernandez, Paulette Arnold, Laurel Near


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