Our Origin Story
After collaborating for ten years directing Performing Arts Summer Camp and other projects, Laurel Near & Paulette Arnold founded Near & Arnold’s School of Performing Arts & Cultural Education in 1995. Both women have been teaching young people since 1981.
All our staff are experienced performing arts educators or practicing artists. They are selected for their special ability to relate to young people’s training, social and developmental needs. We are also proud of our “Teacher Training & Youth Leadership Program” which nurtures young people who have the skills and interest to become teachers.
A priority of SPACE is the Scholarship Program, which provides access for all interested youth. The community, through fundraising events, donations, and grants, supports the program. Forty percent of families receive some financial assistance for tuition. SPACE functions as a safe space for youth to explore, express and reshape daily challenges through physical, vocal, and emotional creative growth. SPACE has been awarded and recognized by statewide foundations and is a living example of the power of art to affect individuals and change the consciousness and landscape of Mendocino County. For information about SPACE classes call, 707-462-9370. We invite you to “Like” SPACE on Facebook!
SPACE’s Co-Founders
Once Upon a Time …
… two young women (and a bunch of other artists, friends and families) dreamed of a space where all children were free to play, sing, dance, act, and express themselves.
Laurel Near is a performer, director and playwright. She was an original co-founder of Wallflower Order Dance Collective. She has studied modern dance and theater extensively, and creates dance and theater projects. She believes that in order to work successfully with children the families that raise the children and the community that harbors them must be included in the process. Today she serves as SPACE’s Executive Director.
Paulette Arnold is a director, playwright, and performer. An instructor at Mendocino College, she has a B.A. from Duke University and was a California Artist-in-Residence for 3 years. She is committed to using the performing arts to interrupt discrimination and harassment and reinforce respect and cooperation. Giving young people the opportunity to express feelings, experiences and ideas in their own words is a major focus of her teaching style. Paulette has retired as Co-Director of SPACE.
Laurel Near
Laurel & Paulette