Deborah Phillips
Deborah Phillips
Deborah Phillips was born and raised in northern California where she studied modern dance and performed professionally in Sonoma County and the San Francisco Bay Area. She was a member of The Ann Woodhead Dance Company and The Christopher Beck Dance Theater Company. She moved to Belize in 1994 and taught kindergarten for ten years then moved to the Virgin Islands where she taught P.E. and Theater Arts at The Good Hope School from 2004 – 2013. There she managed the The James C. Savage Center for the Performing Arts on the Good Hope School campus creating curriculum and teaching theater arts to students from pre-K to high school. She directed or co-directed two plays every school year as well as directing in the local community theater. She is also a certified yoga instructor and currently teaches classes to both children and adults in Ukiah, Mendocino County, CA. Deborah teaches creative drama classes at SPACE and has been an instructor in their Ukiah Unified School District program.