Rickie Farah
Rickie Farah
After growing up in Novato, Rickie Emilie Farah began her theatre journey from ages 8-10 at Tilsa, a youth program similar to Space in Lima, Peru. From ages 14-17, Rickie took a three-year intensive at Espacio Alterno (“Alternate Space”—no pun intended!), where students cycle through new theatre coursework every three months. Graduating in Peru at 17, Rickie entered the Mendocino College Conservatory Cohort Program, focusing on acting, singing, and dancing. Through this program, Rickie earned two sequential nominations to represent Mendocino College at the Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival, and during her second nomination earned a spot in the CSU Summer Arts “Transcribing the Soul” solo performance two-week intensive. After graduating from the Mendocino College Theatre Conservatory Cohort program, Rickie studied at UC San Diego and received her B.A. in Theatre with a minor in Psychology. Since graduating, Rickie performs in plays at Mendocino College, continues her studies with groundbreaking artists such as Dan Hoyle’s journalistic solo performance courses, and collaborates with local artists such as the stage-and-screen collective Hardly Artists. At SPACE, Rickie is the acting teacher for the classes Physical Theatre (ages 8-10) and Tell Your Story (ages 11-12).